Thursday, February 5, 2009

Help others by posting your medical history "before" being diagnosed with Urticaria !

Are you looking for a cure? Currently there is no known cure but we do have hope. Information will lead us to a cure or better treatment for this condition and you can help by sharing your story beginning with your past medical issues,infections,changes in eye sight,ear,nose,throat issues BEFORE and AFTER your urticaria began. List medical treatments you have had but do not give out personal information about yourself or list anything other than general information. Share and also "encourage" those who battle this condition. Click on COMMENTS AREA for information and POST your medical history.


  1. Are you looking for a cure? Currently there is no known cure but we do have hope. Information will lead us to a cure or better treatment for this condition and you can help by sharing your story beginning with your past medical issues,infections,change in eye sight,ear,nose,throat issues,BEFORE and AFTER your urticaria began. List medical treatments you have had but do not give out person information about yourself or list anything other than general information. Share and also "encourage" those who battle this condition.

    My husband's Medical History:
    Developed childhood nephritis and was hospitalized at age of 7.
    Developed Chronic urticaria around the age of 15 or 16.
    Needed glasses at the age of 21 and never wore glasses as a child and has had a significant vision changes through the years. Vision in left eye is -4.50 and right eye is -3.25.
    Recently within the last few years developed a strange rash (itchy) on one leg for at least a year that would not respond to creams (fungal and dermatitis) which is still there and flares up when scratched.
    Several year history of right side ringing in ear and blockage that has required cleaning. (same side as jaw thightness,last tooth abcess)
    Dental history on his multiple root canals.
    Last abcess was followed by symptoms of jaw pain,muscle spasm,tightness, daily headaches (which are still present.
    Began having black out feeling when he would turn quickly to the right (same side as the last tooth abcess.
    Went in for MRI of the Brain which indicated that he had a brain angioma and would followup in 4 months with another MRI to see if there were any changes.
    There was no other areas in the brain with multiple angioma's. It was a single angioma.

    Questions I am researching for this condition:

    Can an infection (autoimmune urticaria ) be causing his chronic urticaria and other dental issues?
    Could an infection lay dormant for years then cause inflamation later?
    Due to his chronic urticaria is it possible that the tooth abcesses the infection spread to his brain causing inflamation or vascitis to develop?

    I have found specific testing through clinical studies and articles posted on my blog for anyone to view. Please let me know if you find any broken links.

  2. This site is dedicated to my husband who has battled chronic urticaria for over 29 years. For more information on this site please click on this link to go back to the main page Urticaria Research

  3. Hi I'm 30 years old. I'm a stay at home mother of 2 kids. I don't live in America in fact I'm Irish and just found this sight by chance. my medical history is as followed: suffered sexual abuse at 6 years old, tonsils and adenoids removed at 8, broke nose at 10. appendix removed at 19, hysterectomy at 27 due to fibroids and saliva gland removed from neck at 28 due to stones. i first got chronic urticaria at 23 it stayed for 5 months then went when i fell pregnant with my first child. It returned 11 months ago and is not showing any signs of going. anti-histamines do not seem to work for me. don't know if any of this will help.

  4. Thanks for your comment.I haven't had an opportunity to check the website for a while. Good information! What about your diet beginning with childhood.

  5. If you return to this site Kitty I would like to keep in touch. Thank you for your comments. I believe anything we post here will make a difference. Thanks you for taking the time to do this and again I am sorry I haven't checked this site in several months.

  6. Hi,

    I am 33 years old. I have had urticaria for seven weeks now (so I guess I can call it chronic). It is very depressing. I have been writing down everything I eat everyday just to find a pattern of food-related break-outs. Still researching food, but quickly feeling hopeless about having an food allergy (I really was hoping for this as the other options seem more hopeless yet). Anyway, here is my medical history: tonsilitis several times while growing up. Broke left arm at 10. Had wisdom teeth removed at 24. Got arthroscopy on both knees between 21 and 26 years of age. Got bad neck pain and back spasm just 7 months ago. I have been pretty healthy otherwise. I really don't consider myself as having major health issues, but his Urticaria problem is really depressing me.

  7. The good news is that is had not been years. Diet seems to play a vital part in many people with this condition. If you can post you diet comments. If you having trouble finding it go back to the main page at in don't give up on the research.

  8. bellatrix here is the link for the food and diet page copy and paste it to the browser:

    Let me know if you have any problems.

  9. I had a severe case of hives for 14 months, was on Prednisone for 8 months along with Hydroxyzine and Cimetidine. Was in constant agony. Don't know your age or sex ( I'm a 55 year old male) My cause ended up being hormone related. I was real low in free testosterone and my job had me working with certain chemicals that mimic estrogen. Alot of these same chemicals can be found in foods and drinks. It was the perfect storm and was unbelievable my allergist ever found it.I was prescribed Androgel(Testosterone gel)and the first day I used it the hives started to disappear .Within a month I was down from 22 pills a day to just 5 and for the most part I'm still hive free. I like many others took all the skin sensitivity tests and the immune system blood tests and this was the only thing that showed up. I've been told by my allergist that I have to stay on these last pills for atleast another 6 months until my system calms down. Hope this helps someone out there, good luck

  10. Hello, I am 29 years old and have been dealing with urticaria for 3 years. The past 9 months it has been consistently everyday. I have literally seen 10 doctors that have absolutely no answers. They have done allergy tests, put me on steriods and elimination diets ect. Despite my age I even went to the gyno to get tested for the hormone facter. This can make you postal. Taking care of a baby while on 6 Benedryls and 2 Zytec a day it not easy. Finally I went to a very good dermatologist (the second by the way) who did patch tests on me. These patch tests consist of chemicals in enviroment and food and shampoos ect. the allergist test (prick test) only tests for typical things like molds grass some foods. Any how he found out I was allergic to nickel, as are 1 out of 10 people. Some like are myself have a higher allergy to it, and it may come later in life. I quit wearing costume jewerly along with real golds(that also contain nickel) and quit eating all high nickel foods. Week one shockingly the hives started to get better. Now going on week 2 hive free!! Finally back to myself again!! If any of you have never been tested for this I highly recommend you do so. This particular allergy is on the rise, being it is put into everything around you and in what you eat. I hope this helps someone because I know this is horrible to go through. If anyone improves do to this please let me know. Good luck everyone.

  11. Medical HIstory: At the age of about 12 I developed HTP, which is low blood platelets count. I had three infusions of platelets in order to up my count because my blood was not clotting well. This condition did not go away until I was about 15 and immediately after the HTP went away I developed hives all over my body. I went to Mayo Clinic, allergists, and dermatologists and no one ever found a cure or knew why I was breaking out. I have taken doxepin, singulare, hyroxyzine, zyrtec, several other antihistamines, and I have taken steroids. I was on steroids for about a month and I gained around 30lbs. After about 2 1/2 years my hives stopped for a year and then returned and only stayed for another year and then stopped and then started back up, my hives pretty much have followed this pattern. Besides having hives currently right now again, yes they came back, I am pretty healthy and have no illnesses. I have had chronic uticaria off and on since the summer of 2005.

  12. Lisa South posted this: I have been suffering with chronic urticaria for about two years or more. I have been reading everything I could find online to try to figure out what to do about it. I've been to a dermatologist, an allergist, and my GP, but nothing they gave me did any good. Finally about 2 months ago I came across this clinical study: ( that linked vitamin D deficiency to chronic urticaria. I had my D levels checked and my level was 9 (it is supposed to be somewhere between 40-70). I have been taking 50,000units of vitamin D2 (prescription) once a week for about 2 months and I have been completely hive-free since the second week of taking it. At first I thought it might just be a coincidence, but now going on 2 months I know it's the vitamin D that's making a difference. Just wanted to pass on some good news - I really hope such a simple fix can work on a large portion of sufferers out there.

    I have been suffering with chronic urticaria for about two years or more. I have been reading everything I could find online to try to figure out what to do about it. I've been to a dermatologist, an allergist, and my GP, but nothing they gave me did any good. Finally about 2 months ago I came across this clinical study: ( that linked vitamin D deficiency to chronic urticaria. I had my D levels checked and my level was 9 (it is supposed to be somewhere between 40-70). I have been taking 50,000units of vitamin D2 (prescription) once a week for about 2 months and I have been completely hive-free since the second week of taking it. At first I thought it might just be a coincidence, but now going on 2 months I know it's the vitamin D that's making a difference. Just wanted to pass on some good news - I really hope such a simple fix can work on a large portion of sufferers out there.
    By Lisa South on General information on Chronic Urticaria on 3/21/11

    I have cold urticaria - just started 5 1/2 weeks ago. I've been to the allergist and had blood drawn and told everything was "OK" - return appt later this month. So far, I don't want it to rule my life, so I am trying to make environmental accommodations such as boots to protect my lower legs; more socks so I can double up; plastic plates and utensils with plastic handles because the china/metal implements make my hands break out; wider scarf to protect my face and forehead so I can still see; gloves that are longer at the wrist; prettier scarves to wear indoors; blanket for the car; beverages that taste good but don't interact with my antihistamines and don't have to be refrigerated (my tongue swells occasionally due to cold) (still working on diets and snacks that are room temperature or warm); a heated toilet seat; thicker towels to dry off every drop of water to prevent breaking out; and a room heater to heat my clothes so I can put them on immediately after showering. I am See more...
    By Susan5 on Tell others things we should know about your urtic... on 1/2/11
