Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bacteria linked with Chronic Urticaria

Chronic urticaria associated with bacterial infection. A case of dental infection.
Tanphaichitr K.

In most cases of chronic urticaria, a specific etiology cannot be determined. This should not discourage the physician from continuing to search for its underlying cause. Infection has long been considered a cause of urticaria, although the incidence is probably low when all other common causes are considered. A case of chronic urticaria of five years duration, which was associated with chronic extensive dental infection and periodontal disease, is presented to show the importance of infection as a trigger mechanism of urticaria.

Myositis and Chronic Urticaria

chronic urticaria and Nephritis

Chronic urticaria and mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis: a case report
Monika Merkle1, Max Weiss2 and Markus Wörnle3

Keywords: chronic urticaria; hypocomplementemia; mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis; nephrotic syndrome

We hereby report on a patient with chronic urticaria who presented with an acute nephrotic syndrome caused by a mesangial proliferative GN and that had the particular feature of persistently depressed serum complement C4 levels.

Click on comments for additional information on this study.

Muscle tightness and Urticaria/Hypothroidism is mentioned

I found this article that a person posted in wrong diagnosis forum in March of 2008 relating to muscle tightness and chronic urticaria and tooth related issues. I DO NOT promote homopathy treatments but the symptoms corrlating with hypothroidism was interesting emough to document.